Continuing to work

Here I’ve continued my three color glazing process, building in forms, shadows and the features of Kerri’s face.  I’m interested at this point more at suggesting form than painting in details.  I’m also trying to get the turn of the neck and...

Almost finished

Soon to be finished is my new painting, Spring Blooming Quince  Just a few tweeks and it will be up in my gallery.

Check it out!

I’m so pleased and proud to announce that my work is being featured on Chris Beck’s watercolor blog: starting today. Chris Beck is a San Francisco area watercolorist and a signature member of both the Transparent...

SWWS Watercolor Workshop

Huddled around me are the members of the Southwest Washington Watercolor Society, during my three-day workshop in Vancouver Washington. Here I am showing Bonnie a couple of fine points of the portrait The beginning glazes on my portrait Hamming it up Here’s most...

Studio Tour 2009

Last weekend my home studio was open as part of the Open Studios Tour in Amador County, put on by the Amador County Arts Council. I had a lot of enthusiastic visitors and buyers.  Some of my students and artist friends came by.  It was so much fun having people drop...

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